3D Shapes Video Song



A sphere is a round ball, like a basketball or a baseball or a planet: It is a solid figure where all points on it's surface are the same distance from the center of the figure.

A sphere is a shape in space that is like the surface of a ball. Usually the terms ball and sphere are used alike. But in mathematics, the precise (exact) definition only allows points in the 3 dimensional space which are uniformly and symmetrically located at a fixed length called radius of the sphere.
Examples of these are basketballs, superballs, and playground balls.

A sphere is the 3 dimensional analogue of a circle.


The volume of a sphere is given by the following formula
\!V = \frac{4}{3}\pi r^3

Surface Area

The surface area of a sphere is given by the following formula
\!A =4 \pi r^2