3D Shapes Video Song


Monday 5 December 2011

My Details

NAMA                  : SUSEELA A/P SUBRAMANIAM    
NO MATRIKS       : D20102041213

TOPIK                   : MATEMATIK (3D SHAPES )

Saya memilih topik "3D Shapes" dari mata pelajaran Matematik di mana blog ini menguraikan secara terperinci tentang LIMA (5) bentuk iaitu "Cube, Pyramid, Cone, Sphere and Cuboid".

Introductory of 3D Shapes

Before we proceed to 3D shapes, lets have a glance on 1D and 2D shapes first.

This is a line which has 1 dimension, that is length.

A rectangle however has 2 dimensions,  which are length and breadth. So it is a 2D shape.

Other examples are squares, circles, triangles, parallelograms and all the polygons such as hexagon, pentagon etc. They have area but no depth

Let's have a look at some 3D shapes below:

A  cube A cuboid

A  cylinder A cone
A  triangular prism A pyramid

So all 3D shapes must have depth to make them solid and all 3D shapes have volume.

As a conclusion, a 3D shape is a solid which encloses a volume and has length, breadth and height.